Vijñāna Yoga stems from the yogic tradition of northern India, as taught by Sri Krishnamacharya, the teacher of Pattabhi Jois, B.K.S. Iyengar and T.K.V. Desikachar. Having studied briefly with Pattabhi Jois and B.K.S. Iyengar, Orit Sen-Gupta practiced for twelve years with Dona Holleman, a long time student of B.K.S. Iyengar. Integrating Dona′s deep understanding of the body with the practice of meditation, pranayama and the study of yogic texts, Orit together with a group of experienced teachers founded Vijñāna Yoga in 2003.
The four main practices of Vijñāna Yoga
The origin of the term vijñāna According to the great Vedantist philosopher Sankara, vijñāna is a deep understanding or knowing that cannot come about merely through outer knowledge. Even the knowledge expounded by our teachers and the inspiration we receive from spiritual texts is not enough. Vijñāna is when inner clarity is revealed through personal experience. Ramakrishna explains vijñāna thus: "The awareness and conviction that fire exists in wood is jana (knowledge). But to cook rice on that fire, eat the rice and get nourishment from it is vijñāna." – from |
tensegrity yogaA balance of discontinuous compression elements, which are connected by continuous tension forces, which allow any system to exist in balance...
vijnana yogaA deep understanding or knowing that cannot come about merely through outer knowledge...
restorative yogaA passive, gentle style of yoga using props to support the body for longer holds. It is a very relaxing form of yoga that is a beautiful compliment to the more active practices...
back mitra yogaThe BackMitra is an effective tool used during practice to help improve posture and strengthen your back...